Don Rash fine bookbinder
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c l a s s e s
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c l o t h   b i n d i n g
c o n s e r v a t i o n
( b o o k b i n d i n g   3)

This class will address the repair and conservation of cloth bound books. Topics to be covered include: resewing and alternatives to resewing; pulling; fold and tear mending; preparing case for repair; preparing new spine cloth; rebacking; repairing corners; new inner joints; furbishing.

Students will execute two or more conservation treatments utilizing books that they will bring to class. These should be octavo or quarto, and of no more than twenty signatures each.

Requirements: Students should have completed the two previous courses (Foundations of Hand Bookbinding and Introduction to Case Binding) or have equivalent experience. Students should bring their own hand tools, notebook and apron.

We have scheduled the Cloth and Leather Conservation classes so that students who wish to take both can do so at a reduced tuition and housing cost.

Dates: Monday, June 15 - Friday, June 19 and Monday, October 19 - Friday, October 23. If you are staying at the school please come late Sunday afternoon to get settled in.

Materials may be purchased from the School as needed.

Class status: 3 spaces available for the June class; 3 spaces available for the October class as of December 5, 2019.
contents copyright Don Rash  2020
page revised 3/15/2020